Monday, September 1, 2014

Room 222 - A Week in Review - Aug 25-29

Our first full week was a big one! We are excited to share our awesome with you!

Reading is a must in first grade and we have been reading up a storm! Each book we read as a class gets collected on our Read Alouds Chart. We ended the week with a strong August list. 

Talking about our reading is almost as important as reading itself! So we spent a lot of time talking about our books as well.

The students made their first book talk videos and they were amazing. Soon we will share lots of our videos. However, we are still fine tuning the arts of the book talking and video making. 

Check out this great video done by E.F. and C. G. 

We also had a math visitor this week. Mrs. Carlson joined us for a 10 Frame number talk. She was really impressed with our number sense!

In Writing Workshop, we are working on learning the steps for writing a personal narrative or "small moment". We have discussed thinking of an topic, planning, writing and sharing. In the planning stage, we sketch out our idea so that it is easy to remember our topic when we continue working on our book the following day. 

We discuss how different a sketch is from an illustration. With a sketch, we need just a little bit of time, a pencil and piece of paper. 

We practiced the fine art of sketching while enjoying our beautiful McDole prairie. 

Reading is still at the top of our list in Room 222. We made sure that we worked hard on following our Read-to-Self expectations this week. 

Here is a glimpse of our room during Read-to-Self.

Last but not least, we had an amazing week on Twitter! If you have not yet, please consider following our learning as it happens! Twitter is free and we would love for you to join us. 
Follow us using @mrsbrightmcdole

Here is a glimpse of our week on Twitter:

We tweeted at one of our new favorite authors and she "favorited" our tweet!
We also connected with others who left comments for us. 

We shared our reading stamina progress. 

We shared thoughts about our day. 

We also connected with Miss G's class!

Thanks for checking in! We can't wait to share more of our learning with you.

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