Thursday, April 23, 2015

Genius Hour 2015

Welcome to Genius Hour 2015!

I hope that you have heard your child mention Genius Hour because that is all they can talk about here at school. 

Genius Hour is an activity Room 222 will be exploring for the next few weeks to build our knowledge on topics that are interesting to us. 

Check out this short video explaining Genius Hour:

Here is what our journey through Genius Hour will look like:

These are our accomplishments and stages so far:

1. Get your ideas - Students started by writing down all of the topics they wanted to know more about. 

2. Then, after a day or two to think, each students decided on one topic to focus on for several weeks. 
Then we began drawing and writing about what we already knew. We also started our wonderings and questions. 

3. We are currently in the Research and Take Notes stage. We are gathering inspiration, instructions and ideas from sites that we are exploring. We learned how to use as our kid-friendly search engine.  Through this stage we also learned how to evaluate different websites and decide which are good for us and which we should pass by. 

Room 222 has been doing very well and is extremely motivated and excited about their projects. Our project list is very diverse this year. Here are our student chosen topics for 2015:

How to Build a Model Train
Make a Model Shark
Robotics/Circuit exploration
Make the Best Milkshake
Make Fudge
Learn to Bake
Create Potions
How to Make a Tornado
Make our Favorite Minecraft Characters with Legos 

Genius Hour in Room 222 has several expectations:
1. Proper use of Technology and Materials
2. Showcase Research and Note Taking Skills
3. Information must be Shared with our Audience

Here are our first reflections on Genius Hour:

Please stay tuned for more information!

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