Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Our Top 10

Please enjoy our Top 10 List as decided by the students in Room 222.

10. Read Aloud - Lulu and the Brontosaurus, My Father's Dragon, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane - Our read alouds took a new turn this year by connecting us with classrooms across the country via Kid Blog and Twitter. We also shared my favorite... Edward.

9. Insects - Sampson (the dead and then alive cicada), Butterflies, Insect Jobs - So many bugs, so little time.
Here are the answers to our insect jobs challenge:

8. iPad - KidBlog, ScreenChomp, Drawing Pad - Our favorite Apps. 

7. Field Day - Beautiful day in the sun with our buddies. 

6. Mo Willems - Elephant and Piggie books - We read them EVERYDAY. We read them to ourselves. We read them with buddies. We read them to the class. We even read them as a reader's theater. We are an Elephant and Piggie classroom. 

5. Fairy Tale Plays
Click here to see our videos. Don't forget our password. 

4. Inquiry Groups - *Teacher Favorite - The amount of knowledge gathering and smart conversations was impressive and amazing. During each inquiry session, I was blown away by the maturity, collaboration and chatter within the groups. I can't wait to try this again next year. 

3. Field Trip to the Shedd Aquarium - Best trip yet!

2. Skyping with Dr. Burkholder - First for us and love the interaction with a famous shark expert. 

1. Genius Hour - A first for me, the kids and McDole! I love that our class was able to become leaders in a new wave of education. This was my favorite part of the year too. 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Wrapping Up...

We only have a few days left but we are still hard at work. 
Here is a quick post about what we have been working on:

Opinion Writing: Which object is the best and why?

Mystery Number: Try and guess Mrs. Bright's Number!

A bit of outdoor play practice. We were working on projecting our voices. 

Traveling to the McDole Prairie. We looked for all kinds of insects. We were able to snap photos of pollinators and soil tillers!

We having been spending quality time with our friends.

The students have been learning more about insects and their jobs using Pebblego. 

Most importantly, we have continued our year long discussion about digital safety and digital citizenship. Miss Owen's Class (5th Grade at Blackberry) made an amazing video for primary students. We used it as our guide to lead our discussion.

Coming soon... our Fairy Tale videos and our 2013-2014 Top 10!