Sunday, November 17, 2013

Week in Review and The Writing Process

I do not have a lot of pictures from this week. However, this photograph says a thousand words.

What you see...
In this photograph, you see an excited group of kiddos eager to share their thoughts about learning.

What you don't see...
A proud author sharing his brand new story on the big screen. 
This excited group of kiddos is eager to share their thoughts and compliments on his writing.

This picture warms my heart because the story being read was truly worthy of this kind of excitement.

This amazing little book, written by an amazing 1st grade author was inspired by an entertaining new picture book...

Check out this book preview!

Due to the quality of student writing from this week and their level of commitment to their current projects, we will take this week to start the official writing process.

The writing process consists of 6 parts.
1. Prewriting - Thinking and gathering thoughts.
2. Drafting - It's writing time!
3. Revising  - Independently or with a buddy. 
4. Editing  - With a buddy and teacher.
5. Publishing - Fancy it up! Make it ready for the world.
6. Teacher Conferencing will go on throughout the entire process

Keep an eye on our Twitter page this week. We will keep you updated on our progress. We might not finish before Thanksgiving Break but that's ok... great writing takes time.

Once each student has a published book, we will have a celebration! I can't wait!


  1. What a cool story! 1st graders have such a great imagination. I can't wait to hear your stories!
    Mrs. B

  2. Super excited to read everyone's stories!
