Dear Room 200 Parents,
We are in the final stages of our Genius Hour projects. We have researched and planned. Now we are ready to create and share.
However, we need a bit of help first. We are in need of supplies to help with a few of our projects.
Please see the attached list and sign your name next to any supplies that you are willing to donate.
Please bring in your supplies by Wednesday of this week. I know it is short notice but great learning takes a while (and we are almost out of school days)!
Still wondering about Genius Hour in Room 200?
Let us tell you about it!
Genius Hour from LBright on Vimeo.
Finally, one of our projects is already in motion. Check out this video to learn more about how you and your family can help J.B. with her project!
J.B. from LBright on Vimeo.
Please start bringing in coins this week if you would like to donate to J.B.'s project!