Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A New App - Showcased by A.S.

Today we were able to try out a new and exciting creative app, Screen Chomp.

Screen Chomp is an app that allows you to draw, record your voice and share it with others.

Sometimes trying to maneuver things on ipads can be tricky. There is cutting, pasting and emailing involved.

I should say it is tricky for most people. Not tricky for A. S.!

As I was painstakingly trying to make sure that most of the class didn't delete their work, A. S. was patiently waiting to tell me that he finished, saved and shared his Screen Chomp. It was ready for viewing.


As you know, we are reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. Today with the ipads, I had 7 students listen and draw what they heard as I was reading. When we finished our designated chapter for today, the screen chompers recorded their voices. The ones that worked the way we wanted, were able to share at the rocking chair.

Listen closely to the expression and big thinking in A.S.'s Screen Chomp.
Password is same as always. :) 

A.s from Whimsical Perspective on Vimeo.

Here are a few other Screen Chomps from today.

 Andrew on Edward Tulane - http://www.screenchomp.com/t/sGryyRxrS8I

Hailey and Bella on Rocket Math - http://www.screenchomp.com/t/qDS4xTtQMPZ

Screen Chomp is a free app. Check it out

Stay tuned for more Fairy Tale related Screen Chomps to come. :)